This post was originally published as an assignment for INFO 287 Seminar in Information Science: The Hyperlinked Library at the School of Information at San José State University.
For the Virtual Symposium, I chose to reflect on my top five blog posts as a way of looking back at what I have learned in this course. Writing these reflections provided me an opportunity to connect the course materials to the information I have obtained through learning experiences in my personal and professional life. Through the process of looking back, I noticed a recurring theme emerge. One that identifies that technology will help information professionals connect to people, but people need their libraries and museums to continually be exploring ways to connect to them.
Thank you all for a brilliant journey. @michael you are a brilliant educator and a lovely human. As already mentioned by others, this class is foundational. I learned more about the wide-ranging variety of professional opportunities open to us than from any other class in the program.
I used genially to create the media for this submission. This is a tool I discovered in an educational technology course I took in the summer of 2020 at NAU. I am particularly drawn to the gamification aspects of this media creation service and wanted to share it as a resource with my fellow #hyperlinkers. See below for a link to the presentation, in addition to the embedded object.
IMHO, the presentation looks better viewed via the link.